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_ About Grout Groovy ® _

Why Choose Grout Groovy?

The Grout Groovy® grout cleaning machine replaces uncomfortable scrubbing on your hands and knees. The original Grout Groovy® is the only electric stand-up grout cleaning machine made exclusively for Do-It-Yourself consumers in the U.S.

It’s an incredibly lightweight, safe, and easy way to clean dirty tile grout. Save time, money, your back and knees. Use Grout Groovy’s powerful cleaning action with your favorite liquid cleaning solution or Grout Groovy liquid cleaning solution and see how it really works.



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Where to use Grout Groovy

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Grout Groovy cleaning videos

Four Steps To Great Looking Grout

How to Use Your Grout Groovy

What Grout Groovy Does And Doesn’t Do

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